
Showing posts from August, 2024

Ausiàs March

 As I explored the famous monuments and buildings of Valencia and re-united with many family members in the small town outside of Valencia Benetússer this summer, I was inspired to dig deeper into the roots of Valencian literature. All roots of my family remain in Valencia, making me intrigued to learn more about the history. One famous individual who stood out was Ausiàs March, a famous medieval knight and poet born in Valencia during the 15th century. He was deeply associated with "Siglo de Oro Valenciano", meaning the Valencian Golden Age. The Golden Age began when Isabelle and Ferdinand got married, which united the kingdoms of Aragon and Castille. It was a time of economic prosperity,  expansion in trade and artistic motivations. Not only did this era contribute to the fame of March, but also all of his poetry was written in Catalan, a dialect of the Spanish language.  When he was young, he fought as a Knight in towns throughout Italy, eventually getting his inspirat...