Part 2: Cristina Rivera Garza
Garza was born on October 1st, 1964. Not only does she write phenomenal literature, but she also enjoys teaching in both Mexico and the United States (she is fluent in both English and Spanish). She was born in a Mexican State near the border called Tamaulipas and her interest in writing began as a teenager. Later, she did her undergraduate studies on urban sociology but then transitioned interests and got her masters in Latin American History. Her teaching career is something I became very interested in because I myself enjoy teaching students Spanish grammar. She taught Latin American history and creative writing at various universities. A quote from Cristina stated: "Uno necesita el mar para esto: para dejar de creer en la realidad. Para hacerse preguntas imposibles. Para no saber. Para dejar de saber. Para embriagarse de olor. Para cerrar los ojos."
In case you do not speak enough Spanish to understand, here is my translation: "One needs the sea for this: to stop believing in reality. To make impossible questions. To not know. To stop knowing. To get drunk on smell. To close the eyes."
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